Wan Chi is skilled

Wan Chi is skilled

Wan Chi is skilled, experienced, and certified to design and manufacture ASME Code spherical tanks of all types, constructed from all type of materials from carbon steel, stainless steel, special alloy and duplex to customer specifications.
We work with our customers to design and build large or small, single or multiple customized pressure vessels to fit your design requirements.
Our shops provide large sub-assemblies, trial fit and match mark large assemblies, and also perform in-house blasting & painting, inhouse post-weld heat treating, NDT and testing.
With all in- house fabrication facilities, we can ensure timely delivery and superior quality.


From- up to C15E C55S C60S C75S C80
2.00-2.50 1300 1250 1250 1250 1250
2.00-2.50 1300 1250 1250 1250 1250
2.00-2.50 1300 1250 1250 1250 1250


We work with our customers to design and build large or small, single or multiple customized pressure vessels to fit your design requirements.



Ms. Cora Wang/Sales Engineer
Tel +886 7 6163881 ext. 133
Fax +886 7 6162955



   Modern civilization is an outcome of heavy industry which relies on steel equipment for its manufacturing processes . Since it was established in 1969 , Wan Chi Steel Industrial Co. , Ltd has been as a full service provide...More
ADD:No.360, An Hsin Rd., Jiausu Vil., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 82446, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  TEL:886-7-6163881